How To Use Sales Funnels To Grow Your Network Marketing Team...

So You Only Have To Talk To People Who Are SO SUPER INTERESTED In What You're Selling That They Actually Raise Their Hands And ASK You To Sign Them Up!"

Inside Of This FREE Book, Here Are A Few Of The Secrets That You'll Be Getting...

Looking to add more direct sales “enthusiasts” to your team beyond just Mom and Grandma? You got it! Read this book instead and you'll discover how to get prospects who are so super-interested in your opportunity, they’re practically RAISING their hand, and asking to join your downline..

  • How one simple phone call to a 1-800 number in my local paper has generated me MILLIONS of dollars in cash...and led to my single greatest obsession in life... Pg. 1
  • The ONE critical step that network marketers always forget. (Miss this step, and your business will never gain the momentum you need to be a top earner.) Pg. 3
  • The #1 Evolutionary DIFFERENCE that separates the “Try-Hard Entrepreneurs” from the Network Marketers who have total financial freedom. Pg. 6  
  • What the sneaky “NFL Club” is...and why nearly every network marketer unknowingly stumbles into it like QUICKSAND within weeks of joining their company. Pg. 8  
  • The game-ending mistake that marketers make IMMEDIATELY upon signing-up with a network marketing company! (Do this, and you may lose more than just your investment…) Pg. 8  
  • The 3 “Dead End” phases that 99% of network marketers stay TRAPPED in...(yet, those who use these SECRETS can instantly bypass ALL of them.) Pg. 8
  • The BIGGEST reason you can’t go OUTSIDE your network to scale your business... (HINT: It’s the same reason that’s keeping you stuck beating down the same doors, and posting to the same people…) Pg. 9
  • Why your company’s website is accidentally causing your customers to RUNAWAY before they ever sign up (kinda like a really bad date)’s not your company’s fault - after all, they are experts in their products, not in CONVERTING visitors to customers. Pg. 11
  • How to rise ABOVE the ‘Clone Wars’, and be unique in a sea of 300,000+ marketers who are all taught the exact same marketing strategies with no variation...(They are actually mass producing your competitors…) Pg 13
  • How to ESCAPE the cookie-cutter network marketing plan that’s NOT effective at generating consistent, sustainable leads…(and get people to stop what they’re doing and turn their heads - and their attention - toward YOU). Pg. 13
  • How to finally make enough money selling your products, and go from feeling like you’re “treading water” and getting nowhere, to building a profitable venture. Pg. 14
  • How I went from zero - to earning a PRIZE FERRARI - then back to zero in just MONTHS… (because I didn’t realize I was missing 1 critical marketing step…) And, how to structure your business the RIGHT way, so that it has a rock-solid foundation that cannot come crashing down around you. Pg. 15  
  • The SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT learning lesson that I discovered as a network marketer… (Apply this ONE core marketing principle, and your business MUST grow by default!) Pg 15  
  • The SECRET “common denominator” that ALL the top earners are doing differently (that you’re NOT)... Pg 16
  • How to create an almost “hands-off” system where you can get leads to come to YOU, so you can sell to them, and most importantly, easily REPEAT the process! Pg 17  
  • The 3 LOST Funnels that allow you to take the most EFFECTIVE networking strategies from the last 4 decades online...(99% of ALL successful network marketing companies use these 3 frameworks). Pg. 17  
  • How to get around the FEAR of selling your product and presenting your business opportunity to prospects - especially if you’re new, and don’t have a big team or any credibility yet...(this is even BETTER than getting on a 3-way call with your upline). Pg 18
  • The LOST Funnel I used to generate over 1.5 MILLION leads for my company in just 6 weeks…(while growing my own personal leg to the 3rd largest in the company at the time!) Pg. 21  
  • How to instantly DUPLICATE the amount of people on your team (again and again)...without having to book out conference rooms, or travel to a single hotel meeting! Pg 23
  • The “Triple Punch” marketing technique that introduces prospects to your products, helps your team build a downline, and creates the multiplier-effect in your paychecks... Pg 24
  • Who your TWO DREAM CLIENTS really are…(and how to leverage their KEY “hot-points”, so you can better sell to them and change their life) Pg 25
  • The ONE thing you must master to ensure that every single funnel you set up is profitable. (just nail this ONE thing, and it is impossible to financially fail in your business)... Pg 30
  • How to create a powerful, unwavering “light-bulb moment” with your audience that makes them realize that your opportunity is the EXACT solution that they’ve been searching for...(in fact, you don’t actually do any selling at all...because they’ve already sold themselves). Pg 32 

And That's JUST The First 32 Pages...

ESCAPE the Cookie-Cutter Network Marketing Plan
